Eradicate Poverty

Extreme poverty affects over 700 million individuals worldwide. Together, we have the power to make a difference.

While people worldwide perceive a rise in extreme poverty, the reality is that it has considerably decreased in the past two decades. Nonetheless, 736 million individuals still grapple with extreme poverty. In 2015, global leaders convened at the United Nations (UN) to address this issue and established 17 Global Goals, including Global Goal 1: No Poverty, aiming to ‘end poverty in all its forms everywhere.’ With a decade remaining to meet the UN’s crucial 2030 deadline, here’s a comprehensive overview of what’s at stake

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Advocate for Equality

Every individual, regardless of their location, should have an equitable opportunity to fulfill their complete potential.

In an increasingly interconnected world, the fight for equality transcends borders. It’s a collective call to action, reminding us that irrespective of our geographic location, we share the responsibility to champion equal rights, opportunities, and justice for all. By working together, we can break down barriers, dismantle discrimination, and create a world where diversity is celebrated, and every individual’s potential is fully realized. Let’s unite to ensure a future where everyone, no matter where they are, can live in a society founded on fairness, compassion, and respect. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can make a difference.

Protect the Environment

The world’s most impoverished individuals make the smallest contributions yet endure the harshest consequences of the climate crisis. Climate change adversely affects their well-being, access to nourishing food, and means of making a living

What connects Leonardo DiCaprio, Pope Francis, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights? They’ve leveraged their platforms to underscore the profound correlation between poverty and climate change, asserting that one cannot be resolved without addressing the other. Pope Francis has decried the lack of action on climate change as “a brutal act of injustice toward the poor.” DiCaprio wisely observed that “the environment and the plight of the world’s impoverished are inherently intertwined.” In 2019, Philip Alston, the UN rapporteur, warned of an impending “climate apartheid.” Climate change casts its shadow globally, but its impacts are disproportionately shouldered by the most vulnerable populations worldwide.


Our mission is to promote human rights, foster social and economic development, protect the environment, and provide humanitarian aid in cases of conflict or natural disasters.

Our vision is best expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 global objectives adopted by all UN member states in 2015. These goals encompass areas such as ending poverty and hunger, ensuring access to quality education and healthcare, promoting gender equality, addressing climate change, and fostering sustainable economic growth. Our vision is for a world where these goals are realized, and all people can live in dignity, prosperity, and peace.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. They were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals are interconnected and address a wide range of global challenges.